6–9 Sept 2022
Physics Department, University "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Cosmic ray clouds escaping the middle-age supernova remnant W44

7 Sept 2022, 19:02
corridor at the first floor, close to Aula Careri

corridor at the first floor, close to Aula Careri


Giada Peron (Max Planck Institute of Nuclear physics)


We present the morphological and spectral analysis of Fermi-LAT data of the middle-aged supernova remnant (SNR) W44 and the massive molecular gas complex that surrounds it. The derived spectral energy distribution of the SNR, derived over three decades is improved, with respect to previous observations, both at low (< 100 MeV) and at higher energies (> 100 GeV) allowing us to strongly
constrain the hadronic origin of the emission. We also unveil the presence of two extended γ-ray structures located at two opposite edges of the remnant along its major axis. These two sources do not coincide with any peak in the gas distribution, therefore are interpreted as “CR clouds”, namely as regions of enhanced CR density, consisting of particles that escaped collectively from the remnant along the magnetic field.

Primary authors

Giada Peron (Max Planck Institute of Nuclear physics) Felix Aharonian (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) Sabrina Casanova (MPIK &amp; IFJ Krakow) Roberta Zanin (IFAE)

Presentation materials