6–9 Sept 2022
Physics Department, University "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The Gravitational Memory Effect

7 Sept 2022, 18:44
corridor at the first floor, close to Aula Careri

corridor at the first floor, close to Aula Careri


Ms DEESHANI MITRA (St Xavier's College(Autonomous),Kolkata)


I n this dissertation we intend to study the background related to the memory effect that leads to "gravitational-wave memory effect" and two types of memory effect:(1) We intend to study a whole outline of what is memory effect.(2) We intend to solve the linear memory for N Gravitationally Unbound Particles where we will study different kinds of spherical harmonics,
mass quadrapole leading to linear memory effect :$${ {\Delta{h^{TT}_{jk}}}=\triangle{{\sum_{A=1}^{N}}}{\frac{4M_{A}}{r{\sqrt{1-v^{2}_{A}}}}[\frac{v^{j}_{A}v^{k}_{A}}{1-{{v_{A}.N}}}]^{TT}}}$$.Here N points from the source to the observer and ${\triangle}$ is the difference between late and early time values \cite{favata2010gravitational}.
Detailed calculation of derivation of the above equation is shown in our dissertation.

(3)Then we try to examine the memory effect for the individual radiated neutrinos[9] (4) Then we will discuss briefly about the introduction of non linear memory effect.


(1)The post Newtonian approximation is a slow-motion,approximation to general relativity.For quasi-circular compact binaries- the non linear memory has a large contribution to the time-domain waveform amplitude.
(2)As an example of linear memory we have studied the waveform from a hyperbolic binary.
(3)As an application of linear memory we have studied linear memory for "N" Gravitationally Unbound Particles.
(4)There is also great potential that LISA (to be launched in 2030) will be able to greatly enhance the detectability of gravitational wave memory due to its capability to measure much lower frequencies which will open more pathways for Gravitational Astronomy.

Primary author

Ms DEESHANI MITRA (St Xavier's College(Autonomous),Kolkata)

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