Discussione Irraggiamenti

Da: TARI <tari@lnl.infn.it>
Date: Ven 10 Dic 2021, 17:16
Subject: [users_lnl] CALL FOR PROPOSALS now open_CN_AN 2000_TANDEM_ALPI_PIAVE-deadline January 21, 2022
To: <users_lnl@lists.infn.it>



Dear Colleagues,

we inform you that the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL) of INFN will meet on February 21-22-23, 2022.

The PAC will select experiments to be performed with the Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE accelerators during the period April – December 2022 

(Tandem only beams will be available from April till July 2022, while Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE beams will be available from October till December 2022) 

and with the CN and AN2000 accelerators during the period May – December 2022.

The deadline for the submission of proposals is January 21, 2022.



Proposals Submission

Only web-based submissions are accepted. Please follow the link to the LNL accelerators web page for details on the electronic submission procedure:

Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE: https://www1.lnl.infn.it/~tandem/TAcall.html

CN: https://www1.lnl.infn.it/~cnlab/CNapplicat.html

AN2000: https://www1.lnl.infn.it/~anlab/ANapplicat.html


You are encouraged to use the LaTeX or Word template files for the abstract and body of the proposal, available on the Web pages. 

The maximum length of the abstract has to be restricted to one page and must contain:

- the title of the proposal;

-the accelerator complex to be used (e.g. Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE, CN, AN2000)

-the experimental setup for which the experiment is proposed (e.g. AGATA, PRISMA, LIRAS, GAMIPE, GARFIELD, PISOLO, SIRAD, well identified scattering chambers and beam-line at the AN2000 and CN accelerators). 

- the name(s) of the spokesperson(s);

- the names of the Group Leader In Matter of Safety (GLIMOS);  

-the list of all the authors and their affiliation; 

- a brief summary of the proposal. 


The body of the proposal does not contain the abstract page and has to be strictly limited to a maximum of 5 pages (12pt fonts) - tables, figures and references included.

The proposals should include the scientific motivation of the experiment, technical details of the proposed measurement - i.e.:

- the description of the instrumentation needed (e.g.: scattering chambers, detectors, acquisition systems). If setup is not available and must be prepared and commissioned ad hoc, please specify and discuss time-frame of installation and risk mitigation strategy;

-quantities to be measured and related precision (including: beam intensity, beam size on target, monochromaticity, energy precision, stability)

- the number of days of beam time requested based on count-rate estimates and (for AN2000 and CN) on the foreseen beam energy changes in relation to the “self-service” operation mode.  

Where applicable, a brief summary of the status of any experiment performed in previous periods is expected to be reported.


Once you have submitted the "Beam Time Request" a report page on inserted data will be displayed and you will be asked to fill in also the on-line "Targets Request Form". The Targets Request form may be filled in more times by clicking again the "Targets Request Form" link in the report page.

After the submission, You will receive an e-mail message confirming that your request has been registered. Do not delete the message, because it also contains a password needed for later modifications (see below).



Status of the Accelerators

The whole Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE accelerator complex and the CN and AN2000 accelerators will be operational for the next period. Nevertheless, we remark that ALPI and PIAVE will be available starting from October 2022.

The Tandem accelerator can be operated at terminal voltages up to 14 MV.

An updated list of available beams and energies is accessible by following the links:



The AN2000 and CN accelerators will be operative from Monday to Friday during the normal operator working hours and during the week-end with specific authorization. Overnight operation is also possible in the “self-service” mode subject to approval.

Useful information about the CN and AN2000 ion beams may be found in:





Technical Review of the Proposals

After the submission and before the PAC meeting, the technical feasibility of the proposals (in terms of beam availability, intensity, energy, target, status of the accelerators, readiness of the experimental setup, radioprotection limits, accident safety and prevention) will be reviewed by an internal LNL committee.

The spokespersons will be notified about the technical evaulation of their proposals about 10 days before the PAC meeting.



Beamtime Schedule

Updated information of the LNL beam-time schedules can be found at the following web addresses:

Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE: https://www1.lnl.infn.it/~tandem/TAschedule.html

CN: https://www1.lnl.infn.it/~cnlab/CNschedule.html

AN2000: https://www1.lnl.infn.it/~anlab/ANschedules.html


Oral Presentation

Oral presentation of the new proposals (10 minutes + 10 minutes discussion) is required. The PAC may require oral presentation also to “continuation” experiments, that should contain previously obtained results, if applicable

The meeting is expected to be held in person. Spokespersons are encouraged to present in person their proposals. However due to the unforeseeable evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic also the option for on-line presentations will be available. 

Participants attending in person will be requested to be in possession of the EU Digital COVID Certificate (or equivalent certification). 



PAC membership

Silvia Leoni (chairman), Department of Physics, University of Milano, Milano, Italy

Bertram Blank, Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux Gradignan, Bordeaux, France

Wilton Catford, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom

Bogdan Fornal, IFJ PAN, Krakow, Poland

Angela Gargano, INFN - Sezione di Napoli, Napoli, Italy

Frederico Garrido, Université Paris-Sud and CSNSM, Paris, France

Kouichi Hagino, Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

Milko Jakšic, Ruder Boškovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia 

Suzana Szilner, Ruder Boškovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia


Best Regards,


Marco Mazzocco

Scientific Coordinator of LNL Tandem-Alpi-Piave accelerator complex

email: marco.mazzocco@pd.infn.it


Valentino Rigato

Scientific Coordinator of LNL CN and AN2000 accelerator complex

email: valentino.rigato@lnl.infn.it

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