Dec 14 – 16, 2010
Europe/Rome timezone
Modern ray-tracing Magnetic Spectrometers allows to detect ejectiles with both large acceptance and high resolution in energy, reaction angles, mass, charge state and atomic number. This very important achievement is reached thanks to a very careful optical design of such devices and to the full implementation of the trajectory reconstruction technique. From the experimental Nuclear Physics point of view one expects that such Instruments allow to measure with unprecedented accuracy even small cross sections and/or clearly detect rare events as those induced by Radioactive Beams. Moreover the large acceptance strengthens the possibility to measure coincidences with ancillary detectors and sign the decay details of the populated states and the leading reaction mechanism. Three of such instruments have been in operation in Europe in the last few years: VAMOS at Ganil (Caen. France), Prisma at the INFN-LNL (Legnaro, Italy) and MAGNEX at the INFN-LNS (Catania, Italy) and others are currently under design or construction all over the world. The aim of the present workshop is to review the current applications and outline the future of these facilities in the field of nuclear reactions induced by both stable and RIBs, including the detectors and electronics involved.
Via Santa Sofia 62 Catania