We suggest a new class of models – Fermionic Portal Vector Dark Matter (FPVDM) which extends the Standard Model (SM) with $SU(2)_D$ dark gauge sector. While FPVDM does not require kinetic mixing and Higgs portal, It is based on the Vector-Like (VL) fermionic doublet which couples the dark sector with the SM sector through the Yukawa interaction. The FPVDM model provides a vector Dark Matter (DM) with $Z_2$ odd parity ensuring its stability. Multiple realisations are allowed depending on the VL partner and scalar potential. In this talk, we discuss an example of minimal FPVDM realisation with only a VL top partner and no mixing between SM and new scalar sectors. We also present the model implications for DM direct and indirect detection experiments, relic density and collider searches.
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