Jul 6 – 13, 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

BULLKID - Bulky and low-threshold kinetic inductance detectors

Jul 9, 2022, 9:15 AM
Room 4 (Rossa)

Room 4 (Rossa)

Parallel Talk Detectors for Future Facilities, R&D, novel techniques Detectors for Future Facilities, R&D, novel techniques


Marco Vignati (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


BULLKID is an R&D project on a new cryogenic particle detector to search for low energy processes such as low-mass dark matter and neutrino coherent scattering off nuclei. The detector unit we are building consists in an array of 60 silicon absorbers sensed by phonon-mediated, microwave-multiplexed Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs), with energy resolution on nuclear recoils around 100 eV and total mass of 20 g. The single detector unit is engineered to ensure a straightforward scalability to a future kg-scale experiment. In this talk we will describe this innovative detector concept and the recent encouraging achievements of the project following the operation of the first prototypes.

In-person participation Yes

Primary author

Marco Vignati (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Presentation materials