6–13 Jul 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Higgs physics at the FCC: the stunning complementarity between ee and pp

8 Jul 2022, 14:45
Room 5 (Avorio)

Room 5 (Avorio)

Parallel Talk Higgs Physics Higgs Physics


Michele Selvaggi (CERN)


The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is at the heart of the vision of the EU Strategy for Particle Physics, and the highest priority for Europe and its international partners. A technical and financial feasibility study of the 100-km infrastructure and of the colliders that would be installed in it is underway. The physics programme is based on the sequence of a 90-400 GeV high-luminosity and high-precision e+e- collider, FCC-ee, followed by a 100 TeV hadron collider FCC-hh including heavy ion and optionally e-p collisions. A main objective of the FCC is a full program of exploration of the properties of the Higgs boson, making full use of the complementarity of the various machines.

The FCC-ee fully uses the well-known centre-of-mass energy by using Z tagging to perform a model independent determination of the ZH cross-section at 240 GeV. This will serve a fixed candle for Higgs coupling measurements of the total width and of its ZZ, WW, bb, cc, tautau, gg decays and couplings at the FCC-ee, and similarly for the more rare gamma-gamma, mu+mu-, Zgamma final states at the FCC-hh. The measurements of top quark properties at FCC-ee will be instrumental in the measurements of the ttH coupling t the FCC-hh. The Higgs self-coupling which lays at the root of the Electroweak symmetry breaking will be determined from loop effects in the ZH cross-section at different energies, and in a different and complementary way from HH production at FCC-hh. Finally, the FCC-ee offers a unique opportunity to measure the electron Yukawa coupling by searching for the s-channel Higgs production. Thanks to the huge rate of Higgs production at FCC-hh, the invisible decay width will be determined at the sub permil level. Interestingly, the existence of a Yukawa coupling to the neutrinos would result in the existence of right-handed neutrinos that can be searched for extremely efficiently in Z decays at FCC-ee.

In-person participation Yes

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