06–13 lug 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Measurements of the CKM angle gamma at LHCb

7 lug 2022, 09:34
Room 9 (Indaco)

Room 9 (Indaco)

Parallel Talk Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics


Timothy Evans (University of Manchester (GB))


The tree-level determination of the CKM angle gamma is a standard candle measurement of CP violation in the Standard Model. The latest LHCb results from measurements of CP violation using beauty to open charm decays are presented. These include measurements using the full LHCb Run 1+2 data sample and the latest LHCb gamma & charm mixing combination.

In-person participation Yes

Autore principale

Sebastian Neubert (Bonn University)

Materiali di presentazione