Jul 6 – 13, 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

New results for semileptonic $B$ decays from Belle

Jul 8, 2022, 3:21 PM
Room 9 (Indaco)

Room 9 (Indaco)

Parallel Talk Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics


Markus Prim (Bonn University)


Though the Belle experiment has stopped data taking more than a decade ago, new results on semileptonic B meson decays are still being obtained. This is in part due to new experimental tools elaborated for Belle II applied to the Belle data set, such as the FEI (Full Event Interpretation) hadronic and semileptonic tag which enables new, more precise measurements of $B \to D^{*}\ell\nu$ and $B \to D^{(*)}\pi(\pi)\ell\nu$. Improved analysis methods, such as data-driven background modelling and the determination of the CKM magnitude ratio |Vub|/|Vcb| allow to cancel experimental and theoretical systematics. The talk also covers other results on semileptonic B decay. All results in this talk are based on the full data set collected by the Belle experiment at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider.

In-person participation Yes

Primary author

Markus Prim (Bonn University)

Presentation materials