Jun 5 – 10, 2022
Hotel Porto Conte
Europe/Rome timezone


Staying at Hotel Porto Conte is mandatory for all the participants: due to the limited room availability at the Hotel, a maximum number of 45 participants can be admitted.

Participants are requested to fill the hotel registration form. To complete the hotel reservation is necessary to send the Hotel Registration Form to the Hotel Porto Conte (Mail: info@hotelportoconte.it, Phone: +39-079942035, Fax: +39-079942045).

Hotel rates for the school are intended for full board accommodation (room, breakfast and 2 meals) and are reported in the registration form. Due to the limited number of available single rooms in the hotel, the accommodation in a single room will be considered as much as possible in the order in which they are received. You can indicate your preferred room-mate in the Special Requirement section, in case you select the double accommodation.