Techniques for low-level α-particle, β-particle and γ-ray measurements
- Dirk Arnold (PTB)
BALOO (BAsement scintillation LOw-backgrOund detector) is a low-background scintillation set-up constructed in a basement room at the Institute for Nuclear Research of NASU for assessment of materials radiopurity, R&D of radiopure scintillation materials and small scale low counting experiments. A CdWO4 crystal scintillator 7 cm in diameter and 7 cm height is viewed by a low-background...
Next-generation experiments searching for rare events must satisfy increasingly stringent requirements on the bulk and surface radioactive contamination of their active and structural materials. The measurement of surface contamination is particularly challenging, as no existing technology is capable of separately measuring those parts of the 232Th and 238Th decay chains that are commonly...
Liquid scintillation counting is a well-suited method for the activity calibration of 222Rn sources, as the geometrical efficiency is 4sr and the detection efficiency is close to 5 at equilibrium with the progenies. In the past we have developed a method to calculate this detection efficiency for the Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio (TDCR) method, considering some simplifications, like...