Short-lived hadronic resonances are good probes to investigate the late-stage evolution of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Since they have lifetimes comparable to that of the fireball, the measured yields may be affected by rescattering and regeneration processes in the hadronic phase, which modifies the particle's momentum distributions after hadronization. Measurements of the...
We present a unified QCD-based description of elastic and transition form factors involving the nucleon and its resonances. We compare predictions made using a framework built upon a Faddeev equation kernel and interaction vertices that possess QCD-like momentum dependence with results obtained using a confining, symmetry-preserving treatment of a vector ⊗ vector contact-interaction in a...
Measurements of the total cross section for the production of vector mesons off the proton allow the determination, using a Vector-Meson Dominance model, of absolute values of the vector meson - proton scattering lengths. A comparative analysis of the recently determined scattering lengths for omega-p, phi-p, and J/psi-p using the A2, CLAS, and GlueX experimental data respectively are...
Recently a method of measuring static force from the lattice using an insertion of chromoelectric field to an Wilson loop has been proposed to tackle the ambiguities of taking derivative of the static potential. We present the current status of testing the viability of this approach and also expand the calculation for the first time to use gradient flow, which solves the problems with the...