14–16 set 2021
University of York
Europe/Rome fuso orario


This workshop is included in the activities of the working package WP25 (Light-and heavy-quark hadron spectroscopy) of the project STRONG-2020. It has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824093.

The major topics of the workshop will cover:

1) Precision calculations in non-perturbative QCD: Effective Field Theories, analyticity, dispersion relations and Lattice QCD

2) Spectroscopy & Exotic states

3) Hadron Decays & Production

4) Form factors, LECs, fundamental parameters of QCD and light nuclei

The meeting will be held online via Zoom; passcode  137632

The poster session will be organised via gather.town There are also several  rooms at the gather.town allocated for small group discussions. [Poster session instructions].

The workshop is organized in plenary presentation sessions, followed by discussion session to review novel ideas, plans and proposal. 
University of York
University of York
La call for abstract è aperta
È possibile inviare un abstract per la revisione.
L'iscrizione per questo evento è attualmente aperto.