Sep 14 – 16, 2021
University of York
Europe/Rome timezone

Vector Meson - Proton Scattering Lengths from Omega to Upsilon

Sep 16, 2021, 5:50 PM


Invited Talk Oral Presentations


Igor Strakovsky (The George Washington University)


Measurements of the total cross section for the production of vector mesons off the proton allow the determination, using a Vector-Meson Dominance model, of absolute values of the vector meson - proton scattering lengths. A comparative analysis of the recently determined scattering lengths for omega-p, phi-p, and J/psi-p using the A2, CLAS, and GlueX experimental data respectively are reported. Following these results and by using quasi-data from a theoretical approach, we predicted Upsilon-p scattering length. The role of the "young" vector-meson effect is evaluated. We propose to measure the total cross section for Upsilon production off the proton at the threshold with EIC and/or EicC.

Primary author

Igor Strakovsky (The George Washington University)

Presentation materials