6–11 Dec 2010
CNR headquarter
Europe/Rome timezone

Double Chooz experiment

7 Dec 2010, 17:25
Aula Convegni, Ground floor (CNR headquarter)

Aula Convegni, Ground floor

CNR headquarter

Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma


Mrs Carmen Palomares (CIEMAT)


One of the fundamental open issues in neutrino oscillation physics is the measurement of the mixing angle theta13, whose best upper limit to date is provided by the Chooz experiment. The Double Chooz reactor neutrino experiment will be the next detector to search for a non vanishing theta13 mixing angle with unprecedented sensitivity, which might open the way to unveiling CP violation in the leptonic sector. The measurement of this angle will be based in a precise comparison of the antineutrino spectrum at two identical detectors located at different distances from the Chooz nuclear reactor cores in France. Phase I of Double Chooz, starting in summer 2010 with only one detector, will be able to improve the current theta13 limit with only a few months of operation. In this talk, I will review the current status of the Double Chooz experiment and its physics potential.

Primary author

Mrs Carmen Palomares (CIEMAT)

Presentation materials