- Gabriele Gionti, S.J. (Vatican Observatory (Specola Vaticana))
I will briefly review the impact of primordial gravitational waves into CMB polarization, and present some of the observational efforts in which I am involved.
I will describe the observational target and the most relevant measurement issues due to sensitivity, foreground emission and systematic effects.
In particular I will focus on the LSPE ground+balloon experiment, and on the LiteBIRD...
We will briefly present a detailed study of the methodology for correlating ‘‘dark sirens'' (compact binaries coalescences without electromagnetic counterpart) with galaxy catalogs. Several improvements on the current state of the art will be examined and applied to the published LIGO/Virgo gravitational wave (GW) detections, studying several sources of systematic errors. We will give the best...
Primordial black holes can form in the early Universe from the collapse of cosmological perturbations after the cosmological horizon crossing. They are possible candidates for the dark matter as well as for the seeds of supermassive black holes observed today in the centre of galaxies. In calculations of spherically symmetric collapse, a Lagrangian relativistic hydrodynamical code is used to...
The introduction of a perfect fluid source in quantum cosmological models has permitted to write down the Wheeler De Witt equation in a form similar to the Schroedinger equation, by the introduction of a fiducial time. In the first part of the talk I introduce the formalism and discuss the nature of this fiducial time. In the second part I introduce the corresponding tomograms in order to...