The art of calorimetry
Calorimeters are one of the most versatile component of a modern detector. From energy measurement to particle identification, from time resolution to ``tracking'', to fast trigger capability, they offer excellent performance on a large variety of applications. An art older than 100 years, which still offers secrets to unveil and challenges to overcome. Shall you be responsible to design the calorimeter for the high energy physics experiments of the future, or to calibrate and analyze the soon-to-come exciting new physics of the current generation of experiments, you will for sure profit from a 360 degrees overview on the art of calorimetry. In these lectures I will overview the calorimeters of the major modern high energy physics experiments, and I will touch briefly on calorimeters for astroparticle and neutrino physics. The state of the art technologies, the novelties in material, and readout electronics for caloriemters will be presented. I will discuss innovative analysis techniques and the currently best results obtained with modern calorimeters.
Curriculum Vitae Dr. Erika Garutti
Name Erika Garutti
Born June 22nd, 1974 in Alfonsine, Ferrara
Address Ostermeyerstr 23, 22067 Hamburg, Germany
Nationality Italian
Civil status unmarried
Education and Formation
1988-1993 Scientic college, "A. Roiti" (Ferrara, Italy)
1993-1997 Ferrara University (Ferrara, Italy), physics.
Dec. 1997 Degree in physics with particle physics subject
with mark 110 cum laude over 110.
1998-1999 Master at the Ferrara University
1999-2003 PhD in high energy physics at NIKHEF (Nationaal Instituut voor
Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
As member of the HERMES collaboration:
- test and commissioning of a silicon strip detector,
- analysis of heavy nuclei data,
- hardware and simulations studies on polarized target.
2003-2006 DESY fellow
As member of the CALICE collaboration:
- R&D for a hadron calorimeter,
- run coordinator for the test beam campaign.
As member of the H1 collaboration:.
- NLO calculation for heavy flavor analysis.
since 2006 DESY scientifc staff
As leader of a Helmholtz young investigator group:
- calorimeter R&D and data analysis,
- detector R&D for positron emission tomography.
As member of the CALICE collaboration:
- run coordinator for the test beam campaign.