Oct 18 – 22, 2010
INFN - Sezione di Trieste
Europe/Rome timezone



Due to the nature of the Seminar, which includes laboratory sessions, the maximum
number of participants is fixed to 24. They will be selected among the
applicants according to the CV information that they submit.

Registration opening day: 15 June 2010; deadline: 6 September  2010 18 September 2010.

Communication to participants that they are accepted:  by 15 September 2010 20 September 2010.

INFN personnel registration (click here) 

Non INFN staff researchers can apply sending the application by e-mail to the conference address: snri10@ts.infn.it

The curriculum vitae has to be submitted, within the 6th of September, by sending an e-mail to: snri10@ts.infn.it