13–18 Sept 2010
Lecce, Università del Salento
Europe/Rome timezone
The 4th UniverseNet Annual School - Lecce, 13-18 September 2010

Mr. MCCABE, Christopher (University of Oxford): Neutrino-Flavoured Sneutrino Dark Matter

13 Sept 2010, 17:00
Lecce, Università del Salento

Lecce, Università del Salento

Via Michele De Pietro, 12 I-73100 Lecce (LE)


A simple theory of supersymmetric dark matter (DM) naturally linked to neutrino flavour physics is studied. The DM sector comprises a spectrum of mixed lhd- rhd sneutrino states where both the sneutrino flavour structure and mass splittings are determined by the associated neutrino masses and mixings.
ArXiv number (if any) 0911.4489

Presentation materials