28 June 2021 to 2 July 2021
Sapienza University in Rome
Europe/Rome timezone

tSZ in high ell CMB data as cosmological probe: SPT+Planck

29 Jun 2021, 15:45


Marian Douspis (IAS)


Small scale CMB data contain a lot of cosmological information hidden in the different components : primordial CMB, tSZ effect, kSZ effect, CIB. Standard analyses assume templates for non primordial CMB component and lose the cosmological signature of large scale structures contained in secondary anisotropies.
I will present a new analysis of SPT data at small scales where the tSZ spectrum is derived from the halo model and bring additional constraints. I will show the cosmological and scaling relation parameter constraints obtained by combining SPT CMB data and Planck tSZ measurements.

Primary author

Marian Douspis (IAS)


Dr Laura Salvati Dr Adélie Gorce

Presentation materials