The first part of the session is mainly dedicated to examine virtualization experiences gained at some INFN sites
Federico Calzolari
5/18/10, 4:00 PM
How to migrate a production virtual infrastructure from VMware to Proxmox: exploiting automatic tools and cluster features. Proxmox cluster enables central management of multiple physical and virtual servers, console view to all virtual machines, migration of virtual machines between physical hosts; this is all done via a simple web management.
Stefano Stalio
5/18/10, 4:15 PM
I will describe some of the choises made at LNGS to improve availability of netowrk services.
In particular I will describe the host virtualization cluster infrastructure and
its use to build up and run HA services.
Guido Guizzunti
5/18/10, 4:30 PM
We will describe recent investigations, improvements and usage experiences on the latest release of KVM included natively in SL5.4.
In particular we will focus the discussion on the following topics:
* virt-manager integration
* migration from xen to kvm
* ksm
* hugetlbfs
* back-up solutions
Andrea Chierici
5/18/10, 4:45 PM
A new working group has been created inside HEPiX community whose objective is to reach an agreement on the use of remotely generated virtual images at sites by the end of this year. We will summarize the discussions being held inside this group.
Andrea Chierici
5/18/10, 5:00 PM
We will discuss the possibility to adopt VMWare commercial solutions inside INFN during a round table session.