May 17 – 21, 2010
Hotel Santa Tecla Palace
Europe/Rome timezone

The KVM infrastructure at the INFN Tier-1

May 18, 2010, 4:30 PM
Roof Garden (Hotel Santa Tecla Palace)

Roof Garden

Hotel Santa Tecla Palace

Via Balestrate 100, 95020 Acireale, Catania Tel +39 095 7634015 Tel +39 095 7640171 Tel +39 095 7640169 Fax +39 095 607705


Mr Guido Guizzunti (INFN-CNAF)


We will describe recent investigations, improvements and usage experiences on the latest release of KVM included natively in SL5.4. In particular we will focus the discussion on the following topics: * virt-manager integration * migration from xen to kvm * ksm * hugetlbfs * back-up solutions

Presentation materials