17–21 May 2010
Hotel Santa Tecla Palace
Europe/Rome timezone

Working with OpenVZ and KVM in HA

18 May 2010, 16:15
Roof Garden (Hotel Santa Tecla Palace)

Roof Garden

Hotel Santa Tecla Palace

Via Balestrate 100, 95020 Acireale, Catania Tel +39 095 7634015 Tel +39 095 7640171 Tel +39 095 7640169 Fax +39 095 607705 info@hotelsantatecla.it http://www.hotelsantatecla.it/


Stefano Stalio (LNGS)


I will describe some of the choises made at LNGS to improve availability of netowrk services. In particular I will describe the host virtualization cluster infrastructure and its use to build up and run HA services.

Presentation materials