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18–26 Feb 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

NuSTORM accelerator challenges and opportunities

25 Feb 2021, 10:40
Room 3 (

Room 3

Parallel Contributed Talk Neutrino Masses and Mixings New Facilities


Chris Rogers (RAL)


The nuSTORM facility uses a stored muon beam to generate a neutrino source. Muons are captured and stored in a storage ring using stochastic injection. The facility will aim to measure neutrino-nucleus scattering cross sections with uniquely well-characterised neutrino beams; to facilitate the search for sterile neutrino and other Beyond Standard Model processes with exquisite sensitivity; and to provide a muon source that makes an excellent technology test-bed required for the development of muon beams capable of serving as a multi-TeV collider. In this paper we describe the latest status of the development of nuSTORM, the R&D needs, and the potential for nuSTORM as a Muon Collider test facility.

Primary authors

Chris Rogers (RAL) Dr Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London) Dr Jonathan Gall (CERN) Dr Jean-Baptiste Lagrange (RAL)

Presentation materials