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18–26 Feb 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Evolution of Neutrino Mass-Mixing Parameters in Matter with Non-Standard Interactions

23 Feb 2021, 12:05
Room 3 (

Room 3

Parallel Flash talk Neutrino Theory and Cosmology Non Standard Interactions


Sudipta Das (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)


We explore the role of matter effect in the evolution of neutrino oscillation parameters in the presence of non-standard interactions (NSIs). We derive approximate analytical expressions showing evolution of mass-mixing parameters in matter and in presence of NSIs. We observe that only the NSIs in (2,3) block ($\varepsilon_{\mu\mu}$, $\varepsilon_{\tau\tau}$, and $\varepsilon_{\mu\tau}$) affect the running of $\theta_{23}$. $\varepsilon_{e\mu}$ and $\varepsilon_{e\tau}$ have stronger impact on the $\theta_{13}$ evolution. We show the utility of our approach in addressing some important features related to neutrino oscillation: a) unraveling interesting degeneracies between $\theta_{23}$ and NSI parameters, b) estimating the resonance energy in presence of NSIs when $\theta_{13}$ in matter becomes maximal, c) estimating the required baseline length and neutrino energies to have maximal matter effect in $\nu_{\mu}$ $\rightarrow$ $\nu_{e}$ transition in presence of NSI parameters, and d) studying the impact of NSIs in (2,3) block on the $\nu_{\mu}$ $\to$ $\nu_{\mu}$ survival probability.

Primary author

Sudipta Das (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)


Mr Sanjib Agarwalla (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar) Mr Pragyaprasu Swain (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar) Dr Mehedi Masud (IBS Daejeon South Korea)

Presentation materials