22–28 May 2022
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
submission of the proceedings for the PM2021 has been postponed to July 31, 2022

Visual investigation of possible degradation in GEM foils under test

27 May 2022, 08:30


Sayak Chatterjee (Bose Institute) Sayak Chatterjee


Visual investigation of a Single Mask (SM) Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foil is performed manually using an optical microscope having magnification factors of 20x and 40x. The scanned SM GEM foil is being used as the 3rd GEM foil of a triple GEM chamber prototype used for long-term studies. During the long-term test, it is observed that the detector suddenly stopped giving the signal. To understand the problem, the triple GEM chamber prototype is disassembled and the measured foil resistance of the 3rd GEM foil was found to be ∼ 40 kΩ which indicated that there were some short paths created between the top and bottom electrodes of the GEM foil. The short-circuited path might be due to the accumulation of impurities inside the GEM holes or due to the degradation of the foil itself. The GEM foil is scanned and the different damaged parts of the foil are identified. The details of the techniques and results will be presented.

Primary authors

ARINDAM SEN (BOSE INSTITUTE) Sayak Chatterjee (Bose Institute) S. K. Ghosh (Bose Institute) Saikat Biswas (Bose Institute) Supriya Das (Bose Institute)

Presentation materials