The TASS main idea is based on built-in "library of modules", where each module reproduces in a realistic way the panel picture (see Fig in attachment, please note: that is not a photo, that is the TASS rappresentation of a small setup!!) and the electrical and logical behavior of the real one.
A sophisticated GUI allows the user to push buttons, turn knobs, make cable connections, set Camac/Vme functions and so on.
The user builds his virtual trigger system choosing from the library the modules he needs, places them in the crates, makes the cable connections and runs the simulation. Any parameter can be set interactively, and input signals provided by waveform generators can be used to stimulate the system and the resulting outputs can be shown on a virtual digital scope.
The advantage of this philosophy is that the user can change and try, very quickly, different configurations for the system under construction, by simply replacing module and cable connection. Moreover the TASS project is a built-in method to store e maintain the real configuaration of real Trigger/Daq setup.