22–28 May 2022
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
submission of the proceedings for the PM2021 has been postponed to July 31, 2022

The spectrometer and target systems for hypernuclear physics at MAMI


Patrick Achenbach (University of Mainz)


At the Mainz Microtron MAMI, the technique of high-resolution spectroscopy of decay-pions in strangeness electroproduction has been established to extract $\Lambda$ ground state binding energies of light hyperfragments. In a first series of measurements, a $^9$Be target was used to determine the $^4_\Lambda$H binding energy with unprecedented precision in a momentum setting near 133 MeV/c. The current measurement employs a novel lithium target of 50 mm length and only 0.75 mm thickness to precisely determine the hypertriton binding energy in a 114 MeV/c setting.

The complex setup in the spectrometer hall comprises a pre-target beam-line chicane, a high-luminosity lithium target, two high-resolution pion spectrometers, one zero-degree forward spectrometer for strangeness tagging, one photon beam-line and one electron exit beam-line. The focusing magnetic spectrometers provide a high momentum resolution at the 10$^{-4}$ level over the momentum range of hypernuclear decay-pions, a large acceptance in both angle and momentum, good position and angular resolution in the scattering plane, an extended target acceptance, and a large angular range to optimally accommodate for different beam-target angles. A thermal imaging system controls the target alignment with respect to the beam. A recalibration of the pion spectrometers will be possible due to the precise beam energy determination with the undulator light interference method.

The experiment aims for a statistical and systematic error of about 20 keV and will run during the summer of 2022.

Collaboration A1

Primary author

Patrick Achenbach (University of Mainz)

Presentation materials