22–28 May 2022
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
submission of the proceedings for the PM2021 has been postponed to July 31, 2022

Mu2e Event Visualization Development


Namitha Chithirasreemadam (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


The Mu2e experiment will search for the CLFV neutrinoless coherent
conversion of muon to electron, in the field of a nucleus. A custom Event
Display has been developed using TEve, a ROOT based 3-D event
visualisation framework. Event displays are
crucial for monitoring and debugging during live data taking as well as
for public outreach. A custom GUI allows event selection and navigation.
Reconstructed data like the tracks, hits and clusters can be displayed
within the detector geometries upon GUI request. True Monte Carlo
trajectory of particles traversing the muon beam line, obtained directly
from Geant4, can also be displayed. Tracks are coloured according to
their particle identification and users get to select which trajectories to
be displayed. Reconstructed tracks are refined using a Kalman filter.
The resulting tracks can be displayed alongside truth information,
allowing visualisation of the track resolution. The user can remove/add
data based on energy deposited in a detector or arrival time. This is a
prototype and an online event display, is currently under-development
using REve which allows remote access for live data taking.

Collaboration Mu2e

Primary author

Namitha Chithirasreemadam (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)


Simone Donati (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) sophie Middleton (Imperial College London)

Presentation materials