Jun 8 – 10, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone


High Precision X-ray Measurements 2021 conference is the second edition of the HPXM2018 workshop, held at the INFN Laboratories of Frascati in 2018.

In the wake of the success of the 2018 edition, HPXM2021 is planned with the twofold aim to consolidate the existing interconnections between the research teams and foster creating new ones, offering the opportunity for all the participants to discuss and share the results of their activities focusing on a common protagonist: X-ray precision detection.

The aim of this workshop is to inform the participants on the most recent developments in X-ray detection technologies and their possible impacts in various sectors like nuclear physics, astrophysics, quantum physics, XRF, XES, EXAFS, PIXE, plasma emission spectroscopy, monochromators, synchrotron radiation, radioprotection, telescopes and space engineering, medical applications, food and beverage quality control and elemental mapping.

Ray tracing simulations, graphite mosaic crystals and their applications will have a special focus.

The scientific program consists of invited lectures from distinguished scientists and oral presentations given by the participants; a technical and industrial session is also foreseen.

Best Young Researchers presentation award:

A best presentation contest will take place to honor the most inspiring talks presented by Ph.D students during the conference. Winners, elected by a commission to be selected among the conference participants, will be awarded prizes provided by the MDPI sponsor.

Main Topics:

X-ray energy detectors
X-ray position detectors
X-ray tracing simulations
X-ray optics
Graphite based applications
X-ray imaging
Chemical analysis
X-rays in biological applications
X-rays in astrophysics
Medical applications
X-rays in nuclear physics
X-ray transitions of exotic atoms
Agrifood applications


The conference, originally intended to take place in the INFN Laboratories of Frascati, WILL BE HELD ONLINE.




Workshop Chair:

A. Scordo, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy

Scientific Committee:

A. Balerna, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy
D. Bleiner, Swiss Federal Institute of Materials Science & Technology (Empa), Switzerland
C. Curceanu, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy
S. Dabagov, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy
C. Fiorini, Politecnico di Milano and INFN, Italy
T. Hashimoto, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan
M. Lerch, Center for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong, Australia
A. Marcelli, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy
R. Bedogni, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Italy
J. Zmeskal, Stefan Meyer Institute (SMI), Vienna, Austria

Local Organizing Committee:

M. Miliucci, F. Napolitano
A. Tamborrino Orsini (secretariat)

The workshop is sponsored by MDPI Publishing

The works presented during the workshop will be published as regular articles without charges in a Special Issue of  Condensed Matter, an international open access journal on the physics of condensed matter published quarterly online by MDPI and recently indexed in Scopus.

