4–9 Jun 2023
Hotel Corallo, Riccione
Europe/Rome timezone

Efficient space-selective and space-scanning nuclear fusion based on channeling low-energy particles in crystals

8 Jun 2023, 09:30


Vladimir Vysotskii


The report discusses the possibility of effective spatially selective and spatially scanning nuclear fusion based on the interaction of low-energy (several keV) channeling particles with the nuclei of crystall planes or axes.
The physical basis for such a fusion is the formation of a coherent correlated state of these particles at a given location into crystal with the optimal ratio of the particle velocity (after partial deceleration), the grating period, and the frequency of transverse oscillations in the channel. For LiH crystal, the optimal local longitudinal energy of a moving particle is 500 eV. In this state, giant fluctuations of the transverse kinetic energy (50–150 keV) are generated and efficient Li+p fusion occurs.

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