Heavy Flavour Physics Workshop

Aula Careri (Dipartimento di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula Careri

Dipartimento di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi


The morning session will be organised in overview talks (30 min presentations + 15 mins of discussion) covering the hot topics in the flavour physics field. The afternoon sessions are more technical and devoted to specific items that are of interest for researchers in the Rome / LNF area.

    • 1
      Speaker: Aleandro Nisati (ROMA1)
    • 2
      Flavour Physics & BSM: a status review
      Speaker: Marco Ciuchini (ROMA3)
    • 3
      Flavour physics & Spectroscopy
      Speaker: Antonio Davide Polosa (ROMA1)
    • 11:00
      Coffee break
    • 4
      Is the Standard Model starting to creak?

      The standard model (SM) of particle physics is our best description of fundamental particles and their interactions, but it is known to be incomplete.
      The most basic aspects of nature like the dominance of matter over antimatter or the mass hierarchy of the elementary particles have yet to be explained.
      Flavour changing neutral current decays of beauty mesons and hadrons represent extremely sensitive probes to detect physics beyond the SM. These decays are forbidden at tree level and therefore strongly suppressed in the SM making them sensitive to small contributions from new mediators. For example, b -> (s,d) ll transitions give access to many observables where effects of New Physics can be observed. The LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the analysis of these decays due to its high trigger efficiency, as well as excellent tracking and particle identification performance. Moreover, it has the unique opportunity to study the rare decays of heavy b-quark hadrons such as Bc mesons or Lambda_b baryons, which cannot be explored at the B factories.
      The talk will give an overview of the searching performed within the LHC experiments such as the search for rare B-meson decays into two muons, the test of lepton universality with Lambda_b baryons and the search for Lepton-Flavour Violating decays. These decays have the potential to reveal possible cracks in the SM or constrain NP up to a very large energy scale.

      Speaker: Flavio Archilli (CERN)
    • 5
      Semileptonic B decays: recent results and opportunities

      We will give an overview of the semileptonic B meson decays. These decays allow to extract the magnitude of the CKM parameters Vub and Vcb. There are two complementary approaches, the exclusive and the inclusive, which, for both Vub and Vcb, give results that differ by about three standard deviations. This is a long standing problem. After a brief discussion of the main issues with the existing measurements, we will describe the recent measurements using Bs-->Ds/Ds* mu nu at LHCb. Another anomaly has been observed in the semitatuonic B->D(*)taunnu decays, whose rate, obtained averaging measurements performed at B-Factories and LHCb, differ with the SM prediction by more than 3 standard deviations. We will summarize briefly the existing measurements performed at BaBar, Belle and LHC, and we will give future prospects using both the B and Bs decays.

      Speaker: Marcello Rotondo (LNF)
    • 6
      Current activities and future interests in Roma: CMS
      Speaker: Chiara Ilaria Rovelli (ROMA1)
    • 7
      Current activities and future interests in Roma: LHCb
      Speaker: Alessio Sarti (LNF)
    • 8
      Current activities and future interests in Roma: Theorists
      Speaker: Marco Nardecchia (Università di Roma Sapienza)
    • 9
      QED corrections to hadronic decays on the lattice
      Speaker: Nazario Tantalo (ROMA2)
    • 10
      QED corrections in semileptonic decays

      With the increasing precision in both theoretical predictions and measurements of semileptonic B-hadron decays, the QED corrections have to be properly considered. We will show how the QED corrections affect the measurements of R(D0) and R(D+).

      Speaker: Stefano Calì (NFN, Frascati (IT))
    • 11
      Form factors in B-hadron semileptonic decays

      The form factors play a crucial role in the measurements of Vcb,
      and the measurements of semitauonic decays. We will briefly show what we can measure in LHCb with present and future datasets, and what would be desired by experimentalists. We will give mainly a list of points we want to discuss.

      Speaker: Stefano Calì (NFN, Frascati (IT))