Enrico Rinaldi
(SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh)
Using variational techniques, we measured the masses of the ground-state
glueballs and some of their excitations in all the irreducible
representationsof the cubic group in SU(N) gauge theories for N ranging
from 3 to 8,at fixed lattice spacing in the scaling region, where some
features of the continuum spectrum are already manifest. For this
calculation, we developed an automated method for generating traced
loops in all irreducible representations of the cubic group starting
from a given closed path; this enabled us to extract glueball masses
from a variational basis typically consisting of 40-60 trial operators.
Our data show that there is a mild $N$-dependence of the spectrum, with
a modest $1/N^2$ correction, confirming earlier large-$N$ results on a
much wider portion of the low-energy spectrum. Our authomated method for
constructing trial operators allows us to address directly the issue of
mixing with scattering and torelon states.
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Primary authors
Antonio Rago
(Department of Physics, Bergische Universtat Wuppertal)
Biagio Lucini
(School of Physical Sciences, Swansea University)
Enrico Rinaldi
(SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh)