Björn Wellegehausen
(TPI, University Jena)
G2 is the smallest simple and simply connected lie group with a trivial center. Therefore investigations of G2 gauge theory may help to clarify the relevance of center symmetry for confinement. Beside this it has an intriguing connection to QCD where the center symmetry is broken by dynamical quarks transforming under the fundamental representation. In both theories the flux tube between static quarks can break due to dynamical particle production. In this talk we will present our results obtained with monte carlo simulations for the static quark-antiquark potential in different representations and we will show casimir scaling at intermediate distances and string breaking at larger distances.
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Primary author
Björn Wellegehausen
(TPI, University Jena)
Andreas Wipf
(TPI, University Jena)
Christian Wozar
(TPI, University Jena)