14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

Nucleon strange quark content in 2+1 flavor QCD

15 Jun 2010, 16:40
Room1 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Hadronic structure and interactions Parallel 26: Hadronic structure and interactions


Kohei Takeda (University of Tsukuba)


We calculate the nucleon strange quark content in 2+1 flavor QCD using the overlap fermion for both sea and valence quarks. The disconnected three-point function is directly calculated using the all-to-all propagator. We emphasize the role of chiral symmetry in the renormalization of the strange quark content.
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Primary author

Kohei Takeda (University of Tsukuba)


Prof. Norikazu Yamada (High energy accelerator research organization) Prof. Shoji Hashimoto (High energy accelerator research organization) Prof. Sinya Aoki (University of Tsukuba) Prof. Takashi Kaneko (High energy accelerator research organization) Prof. Tetsuya Onogi (Osaka University)

Presentation materials