14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

Lattice QCD with optimal domain-wall fermions: light meson spectroscopy

14 Jun 2010, 15:10
Room5 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Hadron spectroscopy Parallel 09: Hadron spectroscopy


Ting-Wai Chiu (National Taiwan University)


We give an overview of our simulations of 2-flavors and (2+1)-flavors QCD with optimal domain-wall fermions, using a GPU cluster with 200 Tflops(peak)/36 Tflops(sustained). We work on a lattice of size $ 16^3 \times 32 $, with lattice cutoff $ a^{-1} \simeq 1.6 $ GeV, and eight dynamical (sea) quark masses in the range $ m_s/8 - m_s $, where $ m_s $ is the physical strange quark mass. The exact chiral symmetry on the lattice is preserved with $ N_s = 16 $ in the fifth dimension. We present our first results of light meson masses and decay constants.
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Primary author

Ting-Wai Chiu (National Taiwan University)


Dr C.H. Huang (National Ilan University) Dr K. Ogawa (National Taiwan University) Dr T.H. Hsieh (Academia Sinica) Dr T.S. Guu (National Ilan University) Mr Y.Y. Mao (National Taiwan University)

Presentation materials