14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

Wilson fermions at fine lattice spacings: scale setting, pion form factors and (g-2)

15 Jun 2010, 14:50
Room1 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Hadronic structure and interactions Parallel 25: Hadronic structure and interactions


Hartmut Wittig (University of Mainz)


We present an update on our on-going project to compute hadronic observables for Nf=2 flacours of O(a) improved Wilson fermions at small lattice spacings. The procedure to determine the lattice scale via the mass of the Omega baryon is described. Furthermore we present preliminary results for the pion form factor computed using twisted boundary conditions, as well as for the contribution of hadronic vacuum polarisation to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.
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Primary author

Hartmut Wittig (University of Mainz)


Dr Andreas Jüttner (CERN) Mr Bastian Brandt (University of Mainz) Mr Bastian Knippschild (University of Mainz) Mr Benjamin Jäger (University of Mainz) Dr Dalibor Djukanovic (University of Mainz) Dr Georg von Hippel (University of Mainz) Prof. Harvey Meyer (University of Mainz) Dr Michele Della Morte (University of Mainz) Dr Stefano Capitani (University of Mainz)

Presentation materials