14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

Deconfinement transition in QCD near the heavy quark limit

15 Jun 2010, 10:50
Room2 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village


Hana Saito (University of Tsukuba)


We study the order of the deconfinement phase transition in QCD with Wilson quarks near the heavy quark limit. We identify the transition from the shape of an effective potential computed from the histogram of the plaquette. We find that the first order transition of the heavy quark limit gets weaker as the quark mass decreses and turns into a crossover at a finite quark mass. We estimate the end point $\kappa_{\rm ep}$ of the first order phase transition.
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Primary author

Hana Saito (University of Tsukuba)

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