14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

New developments in multi-meson systems

15 Jun 2010, 16:40
Room5 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Hadron spectroscopy Parallel 34: Hadron spectroscopy


William Detmold (Jefferson Laboratory)


Recent developments in calculations of systems of large numbers of mesons are presented. A recursive algorithm is developed to calculate correlation functions for systems involving very large numbers of mesons. This algorithm scales linearly in the number of mesons and allows for previous calculations of n<13 meson systems to be extended. Recent numerical investigations of the spectrum of mixed systems of n pions and m kaons are presented for n+m < 13. The measured energies are used to extract the 3 two-body and 4 three-body interactions between pions and kaons.
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Primary author

William Detmold (Jefferson Laboratory)


Dr Brian Smigielski (University of Washington) Prof. Martin Savage (University of Washington)

Presentation materials