14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

Form factors of the D -> pion and D -> K semileptonic decays

15 Jun 2010, 15:10
Room3 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Weak decays and matrix elements Parallel 29: Weak decays and matrix elements


Stefano Di Vita (University of Rome III and INFN - Roma Tre)


We present lattice results for the form factors relevant in the D -> pion and D -> K semileptonic decays obtained from simulations with two flavors of dynamical twisted-mass fermions. Results at four values of the lattice spacing, ranging from ~ 0.05 up to ~ 0.1 fm, allow a careful study of the discretization effects. The application of Heavy Meson Chiral Perturbation Theory provides an extrapolation of our results for both the scalar and the vector form factors to the physical point with quite good accuracy, obtaining a nice agreement with the experimental data.
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Primary authors

Cecilia Tarantino (University of Rome III and INFN - Roma Tre) Federico Mescia (Universitat de Barcelona) Silvano Simula (INFN - Roma Tre) Stefano Di Vita (University of Rome III and INFN - Roma Tre) Vittorio Lubicz (University of Rome III and INFN - Roma Tre)

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