14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

Lattice QCD with 8 and 12 Degenerate Quark Flavors

15 Jun 2010, 11:10
Room1 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Applications beyond QCD Parallel 14: Applications beyond QCD


Xiao-Yong Jin (Columbia University)


We summarize our study of QCD with 8 and 12 flavors of degenerate quarks at zero temperature, using the DBW2 gauge action and naive staggered fermions, along with the rational hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. From measurements of hadron masses, decay constants and other low energy observables, we conclude that such a system with 8 and 12 flavors breaks chiral symmetry and exhibits confinement, although for 12 flavors we see a rapid evolution from strong to weak coupling in hadronic observables, which makes further simulations on large volumes desirable. We report on preliminary results from further simulations of the same systems at finite temperatures, to address the existence of the finite temperature phase transition and to probe the nature of such phase transition at large number of quark flavors.
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Primary author

Xiao-Yong Jin (Columbia University)


Robert Mawhinney (Columbia University)

Presentation materials