14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

NSPT study of the three-loop lattice gluon propagator in Landau gauge

15 Jun 2010, 14:50
Room4 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Vacuum structure and confinement Parallel 31: Vacuum structure and confinement


Christian Torrero (University of Regensburg)


By means of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT), we investigate the lattice gluon propagator up to the third loop in the limit of infinite volume and at vanishing lattice spacing. Based on known anomalous dimensions and a parametrization of both the hypercubic symmetry group H(4) and finite-size effects, we calculate the non-logarithmic contributions iteratively starting with the first-loop expression.
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Primary authors

Dr Arwed Schiller (University of Leipzig) Christian Torrero (University of Regensburg) Dr Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz (University of Bielefeld) Dr Francesco Di Renzo (Università di Parma & INFN) Dr Holger Perlt (University of Leipzig)

Presentation materials