14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

One loop matching factors for staggered four-fermion operators with improved glue

14 Jun 2010, 16:40
Room4 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Standard model parameters and renormalization Parallel 08: Standard model parameters and renormalization


Jongjeong Kim (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University)


We present results of one-loop perturbative matching factors for four-fermion operators constructed using HYP/$\overline{\rm FAT7}$ staggered fermions. We use both unimproved (Wilson) and improved (Symanzik) gluon actions. The latter choice of action is relevant to our ongoing project of calculating $B_K$ and $\epsilon'/\epsilon$. To estimate the quantitative effect of using Symanzik improved gluon action, we compare the following four choices of actions: (1) unimproved staggered fermions with Wilson gluons (2) HYP/$\overline{\rm FAT7}$ staggered fermions with Wilson gluons, (3) unimproved staggered fermions with Symanzik gluons, and (4) HYP/$\overline{\rm FAT7}$ staggered fermions with Symanzik gluons. We discuss the effect of the improved glue on reducing the size of one-loop perturbative corrections to four-fermion operators.
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Primary authors

Jongjeong Kim (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University) Prof. Stephen Sharpe (Department of Physics, University of Washington) Prof. Weonjong Lee (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University)

Presentation materials