14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

Thermodynamics of $SU(N)$ gauge theories in $2+1$ dimensions in the $T < T_c$ regime.

17 Jun 2010, 16:40
Room2 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Nonzero temperature and density Parallel 40: Nonzero temperature and density


Alessandra Feo (Universita' di Torino and INFN Torino)


We present Monte Carlo results for the thermodynamics of pure $SU(N)$ gauge theories ($N=2,...,6$) in $2+1$ dimensions. We focused on the confined phase region ($T < Tc$) and discuss scaling properties with $N$. We also compare our results with a glueballs gas and the bosonic string predictions for the Hagedorn spectrum.
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Primary authors

Alessandra Feo (Universita' di Torino and INFN Torino) Ferdinando Gliozzi (Universita' di Torino and INFN Torino) Luca Castagnini (University of Regensburg) Marco Panero (ETH Zurich) Michele Caselle (Universita' di Torino and INFN Torino)

Presentation materials