James Simone
We present summary results for the leptonic decay constants $f_{D}$,
$f_{D_s}$, $f_B$ and $f_{B_s}$ from the now concluded initial phase of
the Fermilab and MILC Collaboration's program in flavor physics. The
decay constants are computed on the MILC collaboration's $2+1$ flavor
Asqtad gauge ensembles. We use clover heavy quarks in the Fermilab
interpretation and Asqtad improved staggered light quarks. The
simultaneous chiral and continuum extrapolation is based upon
partially quenched lattice results at multiple lattice spacings:
$a\approx0.09$, $0.125$ and $0.15$ fm. We discuss in detail the
present uncertainties and address how they will be reduced in the
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Primary author
James Simone
Aida El-Khadra
(U. of Illinois)
Alexei Bazavov
(U. of Arizona)
Andreas Kronfeld
Carleton DeTar
(U. of Utah)
Christopher Bouchard
(U. of Illinois)
Claude Bernard
(Washington U.)
Doug Toussaint
(U. of Arizona)
Elizabeth Freeland
(Washington U.)
Elvira Gamiz
James Hetrick
(U. of the Pacific)
John Laiho
(U. of Glasgow)
Jon Bailey
Ludmila Levkova
(U. of Utah)
Mehmet Oktay
(U. of Utah)
Paul Mackenzie
Robert Sugar
(U.C. Santa Barbara)
Ruth Van de Water
(Brookhaven Natl. Lab.)
Steven Gottlieb
(Indiana U.)
Urs Heller
(American Physical Society)