14–19 Jun 2010
Villasimius, Sardinia
Europe/Rome timezone

Simulations with dynamical HISQ quarks

17 Jun 2010, 17:00
Room1 (Villasimius, Sardinia)


Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
Hadronic structure and interactions Parallel 38: Hadronic structure and interactions


Doug Toussaint (University of Arizona)


We study the lattice spacing dependence of physical quantities in simulations with the HISQ quark action, with four flavors of dynamical quarks. This study uses runs at several lattice spacings, but with the light quark mass held fixed at two tenths of the strange quark mass. We find that the lattice artifacts in the HISQ simulations are much smaller than those in the asqtad simulations at the same lattice spacings and quark masses. We also discuss methods for setting the scale, or assigning a lattice spacing to ensembles run at unphysical parameters. Finally, we discuss plans for further generation of four-flavor lattices using the HISQ action.
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Primary author

Doug Toussaint (University of Arizona)


Alexei Bazavov (University of Arizona) Carleton DeTar (University of Utah) Claude Bernard (Washington University) James Hetirick (Univerisity of the Pacific) James Osborn (Argonne National Laboratory) John Laiho (Glasgow University) Ludmila Levkova (University of Utah) Mehmet Oktay (University of Utah) Robert Sugar (University of California at Santa Barbara) Ruth Van de Water (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Steven Gottlieb (Indiana University) Urs Heller (American Physical Society) Walter Freeman (University of Arizona)

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