Biagio Lucini
(Swansea University)
Orientifold Planar Equivalence is a powerful analytical tool that allows us to relate certain observables (among which, meson masses) in SU($N$) gauge theory with one (anti-)symmetric Dirac flavour and ${\cal N}=1$ SU($N$) SUSY in the limit in which the number of colours $N$ goes to infinity. This enables us in principle to transcribe SUSY results to QCD, provided that the latter is close (in the sense of an appropriate $1/N$ expansion) to its large-$N$ limit. We present a lattice study of the meson and rho mass in the quenched theory for $N$ ranging from 3 to 8, fermions in two-index irreducible representations and fixed lattice spacing.
A comparison of the spectra among the various theories allows us to estimate the size of the expected corrections at finite $N$. Consequences of our findings for the application of Orientifold Planar Equivalence to study real-world QCD are discussed.
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Primary author
Biagio Lucini
(Swansea University)
Agostino Patella
(Swansea University)
Antonio Rago
(Wuppertal University)
Gregory Moraitis
(Swansea University)