01–03 mar 2010
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Travel Information

Jena is located in the Saale valley in the east of Thuringia in the middle of Germany.

You can reach Jena by train from all major German airports. Jena is located on the North-South ICE train connection between Berlin and Munich which provides fast transport. You can additionally fly to Leipzig/Halle airport, Erfurt, Frankfurt or Dresden. There is a small airport "Altenburg Nobitz" that is connected to London Stansted with Ryanair. For most of the European attendees the connection to Berlin might be the fastest.

If you prefer to drive by car you can easiely reach Jena using the motorway A4 or A9. The main access from the motorway is "Jena Zentrum" at the A4.

The city center is within walking distance from the train stations "Jena Paradies" or "Jena West". You can find a map of the city center with all important locations (hotels, meeting location, workshop dinner) here.

A good point for orientation is the "Jentower" which can be seen from nearly every point in the center of Jena.

The workshop will take place on Monday and Tuesday (1st and 2nd March) at the "Rosensäle" which is located at the Fürstengraben 27 opposite to the Botanic Gardens and Goethes Gartenhaus.

There are several hotels available in the city center of Jena. You can find some selected hotels near the city center the location at this map.

If you need any help in finding or booking an accomodation for you please use the "support" link provided in the link list. We are happy to assist you.


Our transverse WG kick-off meeting will take place on Wednesday 3rd March at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Helmholtzweg 5. Due to the fact that this day is rather intended to be a working day than a meeting we will use the facilities provided at the institute. A lecture theatre and two smaller rooms are available for us and will give us the opportunity to get together and start working. The meeting will start at 9:00 am in the lecture theatre 2 (right above the main entrance).