May 22 – 26, 2023
Complesso dei SS. Marcellino e Festo
Europe/Rome timezone


The main goal of the Symposium is to discuss the state of the art of our present knowledge of nuclear processes such as fission and quasifission in the region of the very heavy and superheavy nuclei and to identify possible physics cases to be explored with  new facilities under development, such as the Super Heavy Element (SHE) factory in Dubna (Russia), the Selective Production of Exotic Species (SPES) in Legnaro (Italy) or the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt (Germany). These facilities can play an extremely important and unique role in accessing, with different capabilities, unexplored regions of the nuclear chart, in particular the unknown neutron rich side. This area of research is particularly relevant because is of interest for the nucleosynthesis of the elements heavier that iron (r-process) and for the understanding of the existence and persistence of the shell closures. The latter are the main ingredients for the predicted survival of superheavy elements against fission.

The main topics are the following:

  • Fission of very heavy and superheavy elements
  • Fission modes, fission barriers and half-lives
  • Fission fragment properties
  • Fission competition with alpha decay
  • Fusion and quasifission competition
  • Production and identification of superheavy elements
  • Multinucleon transfer reactions
  • Fission Studies with Radioactive Ion Beams

The Symposium is also intended as a platform for intensive and detailed discussions, and for gathering proposals regarding experimental programs during the operation of new facilities.

Complesso dei SS. Marcellino e Festo
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