Session 7
- Yannis Semertzidis (Brokhaven National Laboratory)
The propagation length of high-energy photons through the Universe is limited by e+e− pair production on the extragalactic background radiation. Previous studies reported discrepancies between predicted and observed attenuation, suggesting explanations in terms of new physics. However, these effects are dominated by a limited number of observed sources, while many do not show any discrepancy....
We present a novel dish antenna for broadband ~meV-eV range axion and wave-dark matter detection, which allows to utilize state-of-the-art high-field solenoidal magnets. At these masses it is difficult to scale up traditional resonator setups to the required volume. However, at metallic surfaces in a high magnetic field dark matter axions can convert to photons regardless of axion mass. These...
Oscillations of the fundamental constants are a possible scenario of the effect of quantum fields beyond the Standard Model.
We report about two molecular spectroscopic experiments to search for small oscillations of the nuclear mass. The experiments consist in the comparison of a laser frequency defined by the length of a resonator, or of an unconstrained frequency, with the resonance...
The KWISP (Kinetic Weakly Interacting Slim Particle) detector is part of the CAST experiment at CERN exploring the dark sector. It utilizes an ultra-sensitive optomechanical force sensor searching for solar chameleons. Chameleons are hypothetical scalar particles postulated as dark energy candidates, which have a direct coupling to matter depending on the local matter density. Considering...